Friday, September 3, 2010

Mashed Potato Rose

While practicing buttercream roses I wondered if it would be possible to make roses out of an actual food product, like mashed potato. A boiled and hand mashed potato worked as good as the butterctream in a piping bag. A few minutes under the broiler browned off the tips nicely. The mashed-pea leaves are pretty weak though and not worth the trouble, probably mint leaves would be better.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

1-Up Cake

With an attempt to show some old-school gamer roots, I whipped up this 1-Up cake. The real fun was trying to make black icing.



Mandy Weaver from the UK (Wis: 23, Dex: 19) is way into cakes and origami, what a magical combo. Though she doesn't have much of a web presence herself, her cakes command attention. The "paper" is rolled fondant (I hate that word!) which is already difficult to work with but pairing that with small scale origami is crazy. She is pretty much the Godmother of sugar origami, let's hope she's cooking up a how-to book soon.

Won Ton wrapper origami with full instructions from the Evil Mad Scientist Lab.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Wow! This amazing watermelon carving makes you want to bust out the x-acto knives, some melons and do like 8-9 hours of fruit carving.

-DJ produce

Via Neatorama

Carnegie Meat Tower

That's what I'm talking about! The Garnegie Deli goes Over The Top (turns hat backward) with what appears to be a bologna, pastrami, turkey, roast beef and swiss on rye. Blaow!

-Gastro Boy
Originally posted by the good folks at This Is Why You're

Jello Nightmares

Awesome creativity on these Jello delicacies from yesteryear. "The Cos" never warned you about these monstrosities.

-Gastro Boy


Bonus for the office nerds, Stapler Mould: